Sunday, 30 September 2018

5 Exercises to Get Some Killer Abs!

You've seen them! Them men that walk around, when it's just a little bit hot outside, with no top on and DAMN!!!!! That's a SIX-PACK.

They all seem to have them!

You want that don't you?

I know you do, otherwise you wouldn't have found this page.

Well guess what? You're going to get that!

One day, that will be you. You'll be walking down the road, with your top off in no time.

Not only that, but women can't get enough of rock solid abs, so you're going to be getting plenty of attention from the opposite sex, BONUS!!!!!

But, my friend (and it's a big but) this WILL NOT be easy. Sculpting the perfect six-pack takes time, effort and a whole bunch of healthy food.

Do not let this deter you though. We can do this and these are the 5 exercises that will HELP to sculpt your pretty little abs.

1. Cable Crunches

Muscles worked: Upper and Lower Rectus Abdominis

Method: Wrap a rope on an overhead pulley. Hold each end of the rope in each hand. Get on your knees and hold the rope in front of your forehead. Arch your back outwards and bend your whole upper torso down, bringing your head towards your knees. Really concentrate on tightening your ab muscles as you perform each rep. When you get to the end, really squeeze and hold for about 3 seconds and then slowly return to the start.

2. Jackknife Sit-Up

Muscles worked: External Obliques, Intercostals and Pectineus

Method: Go and grab a medicine ball if you can, if not it doesn't matter, it's just a whole lot better with a medicine ball. If you got a medicine ball, hold it between your hands, sit down and put your feet out in front of you. With just a little bend in your knees, slowly lift your feet off the floor and keep your ankles together. 

Now, lean back so you are at about a 45 degree angle to the floor. Hold the aforementioned medicine ball out in front of you, with your arms bent slightly. Now, twist your torso one way as far as you can, moving the ball towards the floor on the same side you're twisting. Hold for a second and then go the other way, twisting towards your other side and taking the medicine ball with you. Keep doing this, back and forth, both sides alternately until you feel like crying.

3. Hanging Knee Raises

Muscles worked: Lower Rectus Abdominis

Method: Jump up and grab the chin-up bar with an overhand grip and hang. Make sure you keep your feet close together. As you keep your legs close together, curl your knees upwards towards your chest, as high as possible and hold them there for a few seconds and squeeze your lower abs. Slowly, let your feet come back down towards the floor and put your legs straight back into the starting position. Rinse and repeat.

4. Seated Leg Tucks

Muscles worked: Upper and Lower Rectus Abdominis

Method: Sit sideways on a bench and use your hands to hold on. Lean back at a 45 degree angle and slowly raise your legs off the floor. Now, whilst arching your back and curling forwards with your torso, bring your knees towards your chest. The final position should resemble a V shape.

Really concentrate on both your upper and lower abs contracting and then slowly lower your feet back to the starting position.

5. Exercise Ball Pull-In

Muscles worked: Lower Rectus Abdominis

Method: Lie, face down, on an exercise ball. Using your hands, walk with them forwards until your body is straight but the top of your feet are on top of the ball.

You should be in the push-up position but with your feet on the exercise ball. Flex your abs and bring your knees close to your chest, whilst keeping your feet on the ball and rolling it forwards with your feet. When your knees are as close to your chest as you can get them, pause and hold for a second and return to the starting position.

Working your abdominal muscles is not about reps and trying to do as many as possible every day. What you need to do is really concentrate on each rep, on the muscles that are being worked and do each rep in a slow and controlled manner. These muscles are quicker in repairing themselves so they can be worked every day, if you so wish. If this is not practical or convenient for you though, just work them as many times a week as you can. Ideally, 3 or more.

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